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Diet coke and mentos reaction - fare fuel and mentos reaction

31-01-2017 à 13:27:53
Diet coke and mentos reaction
Bubbles will continue to form on the porous surface and the process will repeat, creating a nice, foamy geyser. When the pressure is released from a soda bottle, the bubbles tend to form on the sides of the bottle. It is highest for bubbles that form in the liquid itself (homogeneous nucleation), and lower if the bubble forms on some other surface ( heterogeneous nucleation ). Normally, this process is relatively slow, because the activation energy for this process is high. Carbonated sodas contain elevated levels of carbon dioxide under pressure. Combine Diet Coke and Mentos, and the result is explosive—Diet Coke shoots out of the bottle like a miniature, sticky Old Faithful. In the 1980s, Wint-O-Green Life Savers were used to create soda geysers. Daven Hiskey filed under: Big Questions, Food, Food, science. The eruption is caused by a physical reaction, rather than any chemical reaction. This is another reason Mentos works so much better than other similar confectioneries: The candies are fairly dense objects and tend to sink rapidly in the soda. Another factor that contributes to the size of the geyser is how rapidly the object causing the foaming sinks in the soda. But because they are smooth and clean, the activation energy is still relatively high, and the process is slow. Tonya Coffey of Appalachian State University and her physics students published a paper on the phenomenon in the American Journal of Physics.

Coffey and company discovered that the ingredients in the Mentos and Diet Coke and, more importantly, the structure of the Mentos, allow carbon dioxide bubbles to form extremely rapidly. The solution becomes supersaturated with carbon dioxide when the bottle is opened, and the pressure is released. Each Mentos candy has thousands of small pores on its surface which disrupt the polar attractions between water molecules, creating thousands of ideal nucleation sites for the gas molecules to congregate. You can also increase the effect by adding more surfactants to the soda when you add the Mentos, like adding a mixture of dishwasher soap and water. The activation energy for a process like bubble nucleation depends on where the bubble forms. Diet sodas produce a bigger reaction than non-diet sodas because aspartame lowers the surface tension of the liquid much more than sugar or corn syrup will. From left to right: action of five Mentos candies (per bottle) with Perrier, classic Coke, Sprite and Diet Coke. Under these conditions, carbon dioxide begins to precipitate from solution, forming gas bubbles. At the end of the 1990s the manufacturer of Wintergreen Lifesavers increased the size of the mints and they no longer fit in the mouth of soda bottles. In addition to that, the gum arabic and gelatin ingredients of the Mentos, combined with the potassium benzoate, sugar or (potentially) aspartame in diet sodas, also help in this process. The tubes of candies were threaded onto a pipe cleaner and dropped into the soft drink to create a geyser. The addition of other nucleation sites provides an alternate pathway for the reaction to occur with lower activation energy, much like a catalyst. The reaction is so intense, you can make a rocket propelled by the resulting geyser.

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